not my usual response

From time to time, I get random emails from people I don’t know who have never attended Revolution. Some people ask for prayer. Some people ask for help. Some people are pastors who ask for a sermon manuscript.Some people want to ask questions – not out of curiosity – but to determine if they’d like to even visit a Revolution Sunday service.

I used to feel the pressure to answer every question in a long and articulate manner trying to jump through every hoop and satisfy every concern, but I’ve finally realized that it is not always useful. Sometimes it is, but oftentimes – it’s a waste of my time.

For instance, yesterday I received such an email with the following questions…

  1. Where did you receive your theological training? What degree(s) have you earned?
  2. Where have your previous ministries been and for how long?
  3. Who are your favorite Christian authors?
  4. Who are your favorite preachers to listen to?
  5. What is your opinion of psychology?
  6. What seminaries would you be comfortable recommending to young people considering ministry as a vocation?
  7. How many people were baptized in your church last year?
  8. Which kind of preaching do you prefer?
  9. What are your thoughts regarding a “seeker sensitive” approach to ministry?
  10. What is your view of the Emergent Church Movement?

It’s the usual crazy week before Christmas, and I just had this sense that no matter what I responded with – it just wouldn’t be right or good or enough. I don’t mind clearly answering the questions, but I knew deep down that this person would not be a good fit for what God is doing within the movement of Revolution.

I responded quickly to find out if he was looking for a church or writing a research paper. Yep, he was looking for a new church. Obviously by his questions, he’s been around the church world quite a bit. As usual, I Googled his name. Wow – a number of book reviews and web posts blasting authors who I happen to know personally.

Here was my response…

Hi _________,

I wouldn’t normally say this, but I’d encourage you to look for another church to attend. Based on your questions and what I’ve seen from your online postings, I can guarantee you that we wouldn’t be a good fit.

God bless,

P.S. I think Parkcrest ( would be a wonderful option.

Actually, I didn’t include the Parkcrest line, but Mike and I keep threatening to send people like this to one another’s churches…lol.

That’s the first time I’ve ever said that. I felt a little guilty and little freedom all at the same time. I guess I’m in a place where I don’t have much energy to deal with trying to jump through a bunch of religious hoops for over-churched guys like this. Yes, some of these questions are very important, but I could tell that there was something below the surface that was driving the agenda.

By the Scripture he quoted at me in his email response, I was right.

Just a little window into my daily world…

6 responses to “not my usual response


    HAHAHA… good one David.

  2. you’re killing me.

    got a similar email recently too (maybe the same person), saying they were looking for a new church and asking if we were into spiritual formation and emergent. i told them at some point they would end up hating us.

    forgot to mention that Revolution was probably a better fit…gotta remember next time…

    have a great Christmas!

  3. Good stuff.

    For me, the question is, “Is this someone who is far from God?” If so, I take time to answer.

    If it’s a consumer of Christian ministries, I can usually guess that in 3 months, they’re not going to embrace our vision and flavor.

  4. Sounds like someone I know….Hmm.

    I am Miss Paula from Mike’s church. I actually sat two rows behind you at the Rob Bell tour!

    My son Ryan and wife Alicia now attend your church and love it. This is such an answer to prayer. They love your teaching and have already gotten involved in a small group. Please look them up. Last name is McElrath!!

    We are planning to come Sunday. Is it okay for a Parkcrestian to visit The Revolution??

    And about those people. I think they want to hold on to their rituals and rules and don’t want to go out and seek. I like your response back!!! I don’t think these people are ever happy.

  5. Dude, I know you’re trying to be good and all, but I so want to know what “the scripture response” was now.

    And I wanna Google him too! 😉

  6. Miss Paula – you can definitely attend Revolution on Sunday, but you’ll need written permission from Roger and Mike…lol.

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