can you imagine…?

Can you imagine a children’s home in Chennai, India…?

  • Started by people who are part of the Revolution movement who want to do something revolutionary.
  • Supported financially by 25 families at $50 a month.
  • Hosting 20 children who are in desperate need of food, shelter, love, and Jesus.
  • Outfitted with multiple iMacs so that the children could get a technological jumpstart.
  • Connected to a high-speed Internet connection so that Indian children could talk via iChat where they can hear and see the children of families who financially support the home.

I shared this vision with Darla Long tonight, and she got pumped. She directs a ministry to children in need called “Children of the Hour.” She’s heading to India on Sunday to stay for a couple of months. When I was in Chennai in July, I visited one of her children’s homes called “Grace Garden,” and I was moved and inspired to say the least.

Can you imagine…?

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