not my usual response

From time to time, I get random emails from people I don’t know who have never attended Revolution. Some people ask for prayer. Some people ask for help. Some people are pastors who ask for a sermon manuscript.Some people want to ask questions – not out of curiosity – but to determine if they’d like to even visit a Revolution Sunday service.

I used to feel the pressure to answer every question in a long and articulate manner trying to jump through every hoop and satisfy every concern, but I’ve finally realized that it is not always useful. Sometimes it is, but oftentimes – it’s a waste of my time.

For instance, yesterday I received such an email with the following questions…

  1. Where did you receive your theological training? What degree(s) have you earned?
  2. Where have your previous ministries been and for how long?
  3. Who are your favorite Christian authors?
  4. Who are your favorite preachers to listen to?
  5. What is your opinion of psychology?
  6. What seminaries would you be comfortable recommending to young people considering ministry as a vocation?
  7. How many people were baptized in your church last year?
  8. Which kind of preaching do you prefer?
  9. What are your thoughts regarding a “seeker sensitive” approach to ministry?
  10. What is your view of the Emergent Church Movement?

It’s the usual crazy week before Christmas, and I just had this sense that no matter what I responded with – it just wouldn’t be right or good or enough. I don’t mind clearly answering the questions, but I knew deep down that this person would not be a good fit for what God is doing within the movement of Revolution.

I responded quickly to find out if he was looking for a church or writing a research paper. Yep, he was looking for a new church. Obviously by his questions, he’s been around the church world quite a bit. As usual, I Googled his name. Wow – a number of book reviews and web posts blasting authors who I happen to know personally.

Here was my response…

Hi _________,

I wouldn’t normally say this, but I’d encourage you to look for another church to attend. Based on your questions and what I’ve seen from your online postings, I can guarantee you that we wouldn’t be a good fit.

God bless,

P.S. I think Parkcrest ( would be a wonderful option.

Actually, I didn’t include the Parkcrest line, but Mike and I keep threatening to send people like this to one another’s churches…lol.

That’s the first time I’ve ever said that. I felt a little guilty and little freedom all at the same time. I guess I’m in a place where I don’t have much energy to deal with trying to jump through a bunch of religious hoops for over-churched guys like this. Yes, some of these questions are very important, but I could tell that there was something below the surface that was driving the agenda.

By the Scripture he quoted at me in his email response, I was right.

Just a little window into my daily world…

i am legend

Just got back from seeing “I Am Legend” with Richie and Rene – my “I WILL” group. That was an unbelievable, eerie, creepy, awesome movie. My adrenaline is still pumping.

Favorite line:
Survivor woman to Will Smith….
“The world is a much quieter place now. If you listen, you can hear His voice.”

I can’t remember the exact line, but that’s pretty close.

"i will" featured in the press telegram

On Saturday, The Long Beach Press Telegram did a nice write up on “I WILL” – including a full-color photo of me holding the book:

Being a pastor can be difficult. From dealing with hundreds of personalities to unconditionally loving each one of them, pastors can sometimes get overwhelmed and feel ineffective, wondering whether they have or if they can make a difference.

In their books, two Long Beach pastors David Trotter of Revolution Church and Larry Walkemeyer of Light and Life Christian Fellowship, share what is making the difference in their ministries.

Written by Trotter, “I Will” focuses on people making a difference in the world by saying “I Will” to the needs they see.

“Over the past 10 years of full-time ministry experiences, I’ve found that one of my greatest passions is to help people make a significant impact in this world,” says Trotter.

“I believe that every single person can make the world a better place. Unfortunately, most of us just live life for our own pleasure.”

According to Trotter too much of life’s time is spent benefiting one’s self, but if there was a different response when people saw a need there would be a major change.

“What good is it to spend 70, maybe 80 or even 90 years walking this earth just to live for the weekends?” says Trotter.

“I believe that there’s got to be more. The “more” is found in saying “I Will.

Read the rest here.

250 yard signs

Just got back from putting out 125 Christmas yard signs with Richie and Andrew…in the rain. Christopher will lead a team to put out the other 125 in the Downeyish area.

I can’t believe how many people find out about Revolution and end up becoming part of the movement because of those stinkin’ red and white yard signs. If it didn’t work, we wouldn’t do it.

We’re also spreading the word through tons of personal invitations, a mailer to our entire database, a Downey Patriot ad, a Beachcomber ad, and an ad on the front page of the LB Press Telegram.


Click to view my Personality Profile page

Here’s the scoop on INTJs.
Take the test here.

just another night on lemming st.

Last night around 11pm, I was settling in to enjoy a bowl of popcorn in bed while Laura was finishing up some work projects. She called out…”Hey babe, I think something’s happening out front.”

I went to our front window and peeked out the blinds to find…

  • No less than 15 LA County Sheriff cars converging right in front of my house.
  • 30 or so officers – half of which had their handgun or shotgun pointed at my neighbor’s house.
  • A loud megaphone blaring…”Come out with your hands up now!”
  • My neighbors running out from their house.
  • Another neighbor being handcuffed on the ground.

Laura kept saying, “Oh my gosh. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe we live here. Why are we standing by the window? We could get killed. Get down, Dave, get down!”

I responded with, “This is so cool. Check out how bright that helicopter’s light is. Wow – look at all the shotguns.”

I opened the front door to get a better look, but an officer yelled at me, “Get back inside!” “Okey-dokey,” I said…and shut the door quickly.

After everything settled down, I found out that my neighbor had a gun and was threatening to kill herself. The guy who lives in the house behind her wrestled the gun out of her hand. No arrests, and no one was hurt. Not sure if she was 5150’d or not. I’ll find out tomorrow.

While I was hanging out in front of my house, I could hear her yelling from the back of the patrol car…”David, David…help me! Help me!”

My heart just broke for her. This is the exact reason of why I feel so called to live on Lemming Street. There are so many people in need, and I just want to remain available to help.

Just another night on Lemming Street…

get an niv study bible

This past Sunday at all 3 services at our Lakewood campus, I challenged everyone to get a study Bible in preparation for our January series. We’ll be reading through the entire Bible as a church family in 2008, and I believe the NIV Study Bible (or the NIV Life Application Study Bible) is best resource for the average person to utilize.

I’m approaching 10 years of full-time ministry, and I’ve heard hundreds of people tell me that they aren’t being “fed” enough – too much milk and not enough meat. That was true at ROCKharbor Church, Newport Mesa Church, and Revolution Church.

In reality, as followers of Jesus, we are called to feed ourselves and feed others who are new in the faith.

  • Steven Furtick says: “Churches are filled with those who have known Christ for decades, and still need a bib, a high chair, and want Daddy to do ‘open wide, here comes the airplane’ tricks with the fork before shoving it into their mouths.

    I try to serve up the Word, hot and fresh every single Sunday. But if you refuse to apply it, study your Bible and pray some during the week, join a small group and dig deeper with others…if you refuse to bring it back to your mouth, I can’t help you.

    Get your own fork, and learn to feed yourself. Stop burying your hand in the dish and spitting out every thing that doesn’t give you a spiritual sugar high. Eat some vegetables. Serve. Pray. Practically apply the Bible to your life.” Read more here.

  • Perry Noble says: “I’ve heard it…you have too…’Christians’ saying, ‘I just want to be fed!’ It blows my mind! This would be equal to you and I going to an all you can eat restaurant and crying because no one would bring us any food. Food is all around in this environment…but if the person is lazy and self centered, wanting to be waited on hand and foot, then they could possibly starve to death when food is merely a few feet away.

    “Today as Christians we have WAY more information than we could ever apply. However, I think many people use ‘going deep’ as an excuse as to not actually apply any of the knowledge they claim to be soaking up. I believe it breaks the heart of God when arrogant people claim intellectual superiority out of pride and stupidity rather than just seeking Jesus and trying to honor Him on a daily basis.

    “In reading through the Scriptures I have found that Jesus’ strongest words of rebuke were for the ‘deep,’ the professional religious people of the day. If ‘deep’ is being a part of the group that knows tons about the Bible but missed Jesus–then I don’t want to be affiliated with them. Give me Jesus Christ, crucified, risen and who will one day return…not another Bible study on the weight of the Ark of the Covenant.” Read more here.

  • Ben Arment says: “I’ve always felt troubled by phrases such as ‘I need to be fed’ or ‘I need meat’ when referring to spiritual growth. And not just because they’re usually meant to be critical of a pastor’s content… but I could never see this thinking in Scripture. Paul uses ‘feed’ and ‘meat’ in terms of where he expects Christians to be in their maturity, but it’s never used by people to demand something.” Read more here.

The funny thing is that Jesus says, “My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.” [John 4:34 – KJV] Jesus was all about doing the Father’s will. So, I want to find out the Father’s will and live it out.

So, I’m teaching a 4 week series called “QT: Slowing Down in a Frantic World.”

  • January 6th – Getting Still & Being Quiet
  • January 13th – Studying & Applying
  • January 20th – Talking & Listening
  • January 27th – Expressing Devotion & Adoration

It should be a great series to teach many and remind others of the basic need to slow down, connect with God, and allow Him to have access to our lives daily through QT – a time to get quiet.

If you don’t already own a study Bible, here are the two that I’d recommend:

NIV Study Bible
NIV Life Application Study Bible

You can get hardback, softback, bonded leather, or European leather. You can buy it at a Christian bookstore,, and the NIV Study Bible is even available at Costco right now for $39.99.

Buy one and starting experiencing the spiritual nourishment that’s available by studying the Bible and applying it to your life.

new life group

Tonight was the 2nd week of our new Life Group. It rocks! Yep, we have the best Life Group at Revolution for sure…lol. Alright, that might be a little bit of a biased statement, but I think we do.

There’s nothing like jumping into the Scriptures, learning, and applying it to our lives. Tonight, we looked at how God is mighty. How powerful it was to see the truth of who Jesus is (our Mighty God) and how he can gives us strength wherever and whenever we need it.

Great truths, great conversation, and great people! If you’re not in a Life Group, get in one!

we are the equipment

Over the past week, I’ve been ordering all kinds of equipment for the launch of Revolution Long Beach. Through a generous grant specifically to help with the launch, we’re able to purchase some new stuff rather than making the stuff from Lakewood stretch to the new location as well.

This week, I have purchased…

  • A 14′ box truck (used).
  • A ton of stands and crossbars that we turn into a pipe and drape system.
  • Two projectors and two screens.
  • Video switching equipment.
  • Rack-mounted DVD player.
  • Computer and monitor.
  • 13″ preview TV.
  • An ATA case to house all the computer and video technology to run our the DVD and lyrics.
  • Wireless mics.
  • Signage.

This is hardly anything compared to the launch of Lakewood and Downey. It is SO nice to have tables, chairs, audio, and lighting mostly taken care of by the Nugget. We are scavenging some extra supplies from both existing campuses. Plus, we won’t have to worry about preparing food, because the Nugget will be handling it. And, of course, there is no children’s ministry so that eliminates the need for that equipment.

I’m pumped for all the outreach and marketing we’re doing in preparation for the Grand Opening Month starting January 6th at the Nugget Grill and Pub on the campus of CSULB.

As I buy all this stuff, I’m reminded of what The Message says in Matthew 10:5-10

“Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge: “Don’t begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers. And don’t try to be dramatic by tackling some public enemy. Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously.”Don’t think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light.”

Although we use equipment to host our gatherings on Sundays, WE ARE THE EQUIPMENT! We are the people who God uses to spread His love to the people of Long Beach. It’s not about the stuff. It’s about Him using us. I can’t believe we actually get to do this!

can you imagine…?

Can you imagine a children’s home in Chennai, India…?

  • Started by people who are part of the Revolution movement who want to do something revolutionary.
  • Supported financially by 25 families at $50 a month.
  • Hosting 20 children who are in desperate need of food, shelter, love, and Jesus.
  • Outfitted with multiple iMacs so that the children could get a technological jumpstart.
  • Connected to a high-speed Internet connection so that Indian children could talk via iChat where they can hear and see the children of families who financially support the home.

I shared this vision with Darla Long tonight, and she got pumped. She directs a ministry to children in need called “Children of the Hour.” She’s heading to India on Sunday to stay for a couple of months. When I was in Chennai in July, I visited one of her children’s homes called “Grace Garden,” and I was moved and inspired to say the least.

Can you imagine…?